syllabus — ART 205 — Color Theory



Written Color Study:

Analysis of Color Use in Past Work


Our class goal is to use color more deliberately for greater effectiveness and stronger work. To increase our successful use of color, we need to examine our prior work to determine where color is working well, where color is not effective or under-utilized, and how we can leverage color in future works. This assignment will take the form of an analysis paper of your own creative work (creative work in your media and genre) and a small sampling of images of your work.



1)    Choose three or more of your own works to analyze. The works you choose should not be from this course, but ideally they should be works that you feel are relatively successful to successful. Since color includes hue, saturation/chroma (tones), and value (tints/shades), even monochrome work can be analyzed in terms of color.

2)    Photograph or otherwise document at least three of the works you analyzed so you can submit the works on D2L as separate files or as decently sized images pasted into the analysis paper.

3)    Analyze the works in terms of some of the following attributes to get a sense for the color use in individual works or generally in your body of work:
- positive or effective use of color (describe why positive)
- neutral or under-utilized use of color (describe why)
- negative or poor use of color (describe why)
- recollection of your initial thoughts about color when constructing the work
- the relationships between the media of the work and the colors used
- color scheme(s) or color relationships, especially trends in your work
- conceptual use of color or symbolic use of color
- how could color use be stronger in each sample
- how could color be leveraged as a stronger element in future work (consider aesthetic and conceptual uses of color)

OPTIONAL: if you choose you may also include up to 3 works by another artist (or artists) who you admire to compare and contrast their color use with your own. Please include the artist’s name and an image of the work in the submissions if you choose this optional component; do not choose any work where you cannot find the artist’s name.

4)    Write about what you’ve discovered about your own work and hypothesize about what you can do to improve your use of color moving forward.


paper specifications:


submission specifications:


tips + resources: