— ART 227 / 395 / 427 — Digital Art
Many contemporary artists see the process of creating
artwork as parallel to the concept of mapping. It is a method for transforming
a complex entity (like an idea or a three-dimensional world) into a
representation (often two-dimensional) that highlights specific attributes. The
selection of attributes depicted can add insight regarding a certain purpose,
reveal hidden relationships, re-contextualize the original entity, or simplify
complex ideas. The form of translation and the attributes depicted in a map
necessarily shape the interpretation of the content; in this way all maps
encode a form of bias.
Use this broad interpretation of mapping as you
select a topic, analyze the essential elements you wish to convey, determine
your method for transforming/translating the information, and depict your
content in two-dimensional visual form. Your concept is crucial to the impact
of your work, so you should choose an appropriately complex current topic that
will allow you to analyze a particular facet in depth and create a meaningful
step one: concept
proposal paper
selecting a topic and beginning your research into the topic, write a 2-page
double-spaced / 1-page single-spaced paper outlining your concept. Your paper
should explain the following as it applies to your concept:
in your typed paper either as a Microsoft Word
document on D2L or as a printed copy by the start of class time on the due date on
the schedule. If you do not have the ability to submit a Microsoft Word
document, I will also accept a PDF document.
NOTE: Per class request, you may use images and sketches to augment your
step two: make
the work
Experiment enough to create at least
2 variations of your idea. These
variations can end up being totally different pieces, or a diptych that functions as a single piece, or similar pieces where a
few details are changed to see how it changes the message.
step three: save the originals
Save your work with all working layers. Photoshop
files should be saved as layered TIFF
files; Illustrator files should be saved as layered PDF files. All assignments in this class must be titled with
your LAST NAME followed by any title you choose and the file extension. (ex: LARVA_anytitlehere.tiff)
step four: save / export jpg(s)
flatten your layers and Òsave asÓ JPG
Illustrator: go to ÒfileÓ and Òexport asÓ to create a JPG file; check the box at the bottom
to ÒUse ArtboardsÓ as the source area for
your export; export at best/highest
quality and 300 resolution.
Use the same file name, but the JPG format. (ex: LASTNAME_anytitlehere.jpg)
step five: submission
all 4+ files (2+ TIFF/PDF, 2+ JPG) in the appropriate D2L submission folder by
the start of class on the due date.
NOTE: I will use these files to grade. As
long as the print is finished on time for critique, your work may be posted on
D2L any time within 24 hours after the start of the critique and will be
NOTE: Partial submissions that do not include the original working files
(non-flattened, non-rasterized layers) will result in a significantly lower
step six: print
the stronger of your artwork variations and print it (at least 150 square
inches at 300dpi). You may print all your work if you choose.
step seven: critique
prepared to present your physical work in class.
tips + resources: