The Art School at DePaul University

syllabus — ART 229 — Beginning Printmaking






Instructor: Jessica Larva


Work Cell Phone: (312) 361-0860 for voice and text. Please use D2L and email for all official course communication; this number is for backup just in case.

Virtual Office Hours: We can meet by phone or zoom.
Tues/Thurs 4:40-5:25pm by appointment or email me to schedule a different time.
Hours Zoom Link: (Password required)


Course Home on D2L:

Course Zoom Link: (Password required)
Please note that there are different zoom links for the course and virtual office hours.

Class Days & Times: Winter 2021 online hybrid modality due to virus mitigation.
Tues/Thurs 2:40 to 5:25pm time slot.

Class Section: Art 229, section 202

School: The Art School at DePaul (ART)



Syllabus Links: course information, important information for you, schedule and attendance, grading, reading, writing and citing sources, supplies



                     Also available on D2L or at





Welcome information:
I am looking forward to working with each of you on your print work this quarter and seeing what it is you choose to express in the prints! This is a novel experience and I expect our classroom community will have a unique bond for having gone through it together, albeit, remotely. I know many of you have a lot going on in your lives and I will try my best to be flexible where feasible and appropriate. I care about your mental health, your physical health, and your situation. Please let me know about challenges you face so we can work out a solution, and feel free to reach out to me by email or request a virtual meeting regarding any matter at all.



Course Information:


Course Catalog Information:
Explorations in the artistic possibilities of a variety of printmaking techniques. Techniques may include forms of relief print, intaglio, monoprint, and other printmaking processes used in the production of limited edition prints. 


Prerequisites: ART 105 (2D Foundations) or GD 105 or ANI 105 or ART 106 or instructor consent.


Additional Course information: This studio course introduces students to the fundamentals of printmaking and explores printmakingÕs unique attributes as a media and a practice. The course (WQ 2021) will focus on providing hands-on experience in a variety of printmaking processes, including intaglio drypoint, monotypes, monoprints, and a variety of experimental processes and medias. Experimentation is key to learning new techniques, so each print assignment will include an experimentation component. Studio practice is combined with historical context in the fine art, commercial, and sociopolitical arenas, as well as an investigation of print work in contemporary art and culture.

This course will help you increase your creative thinking, expand your ability to solve complex and abstract problems, and improve your attention to detail. It will also force you to build your ability to plan, hypothesize, and experiment. We associate these last two concepts with the sciences, but in fact all of these skills and abilities are crucial in indirect art-making methods like printmaking and for leaders in every professional field.


DePaulÕs Online Hybrid Teaching Modality: This course has been designated as ÒOnline: HybridÓ format due to COVID-19 virus mitigation. DePaul describes this teaching format as a combination of asynchronous and synchronous online work. An online hybrid class is designed in D2L, where you find content, assignments, and schedules. In addition, the class meets synchronously on-line, on specified dates at the assigned time,​ using a synchronous meeting tool like Zoom. Though the class has assigned time(s) and day(s) of the week, it typically meets synchronously only some of the time.
SEE: What do
Synchronous and Asynchronous mean?

Our class meeting times are linked in the course schedule, but generally adhere to the following schedule except on rare occasions when the full class period is asynchronous studio time:
2:40 – 2:45 PM   Get set up to begin class and log on
2:45 – 4:40 PM   Synchronous class activities and/or 1-on-1 meeting times
4:40 – 5:25 PM   Asynchronous studio time and/or 1-on-1 meeting times



Course Methods and Format (WQ2021): This class predominantly utilizes Zoom and D2L platforms for ÒslideÓ lectures on contemporary art and art history, group discussion, presentations, critique posts, reading links and PDFs, writing and image submission, technical demonstrations or links, and as a space to create a virtual community. Class time will be spent individually on studio work, hands-on assignments, and in one-on-one discussions with the instructor. You will also need to spend a significant amount of time outside of class working on projects.




1.    Students will explore how printmaking and other forms of multiples have been utilized to spread messages and ideas in times of unrest, revolutions, and movements in social change.

2.    Students will be able to situate prints and printmakers within the larger context of contemporary art and art history.

3.    Students will effectively analyze and critique works of art with regard to their conceptual content, artistic and cultural context, meaning, tone, formal qualities, and overall impact.

4.    Students will plan meaningful visual responses addressing specific contemporary issues.

5.    Students will refine art and design competencies to convey complex concepts through the production of visual art.

6.    Students will learn the value of incorporating experimentation into their art-making process.

7.    Students will build their dexterity and finesse with a variety of printmaking techniques and both traditional and non-traditional materials

8.    Students will execute multiple original artworks (editions and unique works).




Liberal Studies Program Information:


This course earns Arts & Literature Domain Credit in the Liberal Studies Program. Courses in the Arts and Literature Domain ask students to extend their knowledge and experience of the arts by developing their critical and reflective abilities. In these courses, students interpret and analyze particular creative works, investigate the relations of form and meaning, and through critical and/or creative activity come to experience art with greater openness, insight, and enjoyment. These courses focus on works of literature, art, theatre, or music as such, though the process of analysis may also include social and cultural issues. Students who take courses in this domain choose three courses from such choices as literature, the visual arts, media arts, music, and theater. No more than two courses can be chosen from one department or program.


Arts and Literature Domain Writing Expectations: A minimum of 5-7 pages of writing for courses in the Arts and Literature domain (including studio courses) is required. In this course you will meet or exceed that requirement with a mixture of artwork concept papers, two topics-based papers, and written artwork critiques.

Arts and Literature Domain Learning Outcomes:

1.    You will use class critiques and discussions to gain practice explaining, in well-written prose and coherent verbal arguments, what a work of art is about and/or how it was produced.

2.    You will use class critiques and discussions to gain practice commenting on the relationship between the form of a work and the content in a work. Additionally you will navigate the relationships of form and content in creating your own original artworks.

3.    You will be able to assess the formal aspects of printed artworks and put those qualities into words, using, when appropriate, specialized vocabulary illustrated in class slide lectures and employed in class discussions and readings.

4.    You will gain practice contextualizing a work of art in terms of the artistÕs social, political, geographic, and historical experience at the time the artwork was created and also within prevailing aesthetic styles in art genres, print medias, and culture. Furthermore, you will investigate how an artworkÕs reception might differ amongst various peoples and historical periods.




Information for an Unprecedented Time:


Supply Kit: DePaul University and the Art School created a plan to provide our printmaking class with a significant number of studio supplies and will send items to your address on file. Please follow the instructions below ASAP to get the items delivered to you: Supply Kit


Remote Technology for Class:
(Desire2Learn) DePaulÕs learning management system
Check the ÒRequired: Course ScheduleÓ link and ÒRequired: Course ContentÓ folder in D2L CONTENT as well as the ÒWeekly Discussion BoardsÓ in D2L DISCUSSIONS. Do this at least once prior to every class.

ZOOM video conferencing
Visit: for more information
NOTE: The software will download automatically when you click the link if it is not on your computer or mobile device already.
NOTE: If there is abuse of course links by members or non-members I will close them and
set up something more restrictive (ex: zoom-bombing).
NOTE: Zoom links for the course and for virtual office hours are listed at the beginning of the syllabus. The course and office hours are different links because the office hours have a waiting room to ensure privacy.

DePaul Help Desk / Tech Support
Information Services Portal:
(312) 362-8765 or (773) 325-HELP / (773) 325-4357
or click ÒGet HelpÓ on the information services website above
Mon-Thurs 8am-8pm
Fri 8am-5pm
Sat 8am-4pm
Sunday closed (for now)

Changes to the Syllabus: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus with regard to unanticipated adjustments and complications due to the COVID-19 pandemic or other crisis. If there are any changes to the syllabus, students will be notified via D2L. If D2L is unavailable, the instructor will email students.


University Statement for Any Individuals Coming to Campus
NOTE: Our class has NO on campus component.
COVID-19 Health and Safety Precautions: Keeping our DePaul community safe is of utmost importance in the pandemic. Students, faculty and staff are expected to (1) wear a cloth face covering at all times while on campus, both inside buildings and outside on the grounds; (2) maintain physical distance (at least six feet) in all DePaul spaces (including classrooms, meeting rooms, hallways, rest rooms, offices, and outdoor spaces); (3) conduct a daily self-screening process for the symptoms of COVID-19 using the #CampusClear app before coming to campus; (4) complete the online Health and Safety Guidelines for Returning to Campus training; and (5) abide by the City of Chicago Emergency Travel Order. By doing these things, we are Taking Care of DePaul, Together. The recommendations may change as local, state, and federal guidelines evolve. Students who have a medical reason for not complying should register with DePaulÕs Center for Student with Disabilities (CSD).


Reporting COVID
If you test positive for COVID, even if you are remote/out of state/not terribly sick, please inform DePaul of your positive test result by clicking the link and following the steps here:
This will allow us to keep our internal Depaul community numbers up to date and help us reach out to you if you need any assistance with courses, mental health, emergency financial assistance, or other resources while you are sick/recovering or down the road.


University Information and Resources:

á     Visit for COVID-19 updates and guidance.

á     Visit for COVID-19 policies.

á     Visit DePaulÕs Fall 2020 Student Guide for a host of Fall 2020 information.

á     Visit DePaul/DHUB DEN (Digital Engagement Network) for activities and events.

á     SEE: DePaul Students with Disability Services

á     SEE: DePaul Support Services and Mental Health Services

á     If you are in critical need of financial assistance for technology purchases, please contact Financial Aid at or 312-362-8610.​

á     SEE: Dean of Students Office for help navigating the college experience, particularly during difficult situations such as personal, financial, medical, and/or family crises.




Important Info for You:


Be active in your learning! This is your education; let me know what you need! If, during the course of the quarter, you feel that you need some extra help, advice, or feedback, let me know and we can schedule a time to meet remotely. If you have questions during class, ask me. Your active involvement and your communication with me help to ensure that you get what you need from this course.


Please provide me with the name you prefer to use: I would like to use your preferred name or nickname and your personal pronouns. My roster provides limited information so please let me know if you suspect I do not have the information on my roster that you want me to use. I use she/her/hers pronouns.


AMD Safety Statement:
Safety comes first! DePaul University is a learning community that fosters the pursuit of knowledge, transmission of ideas and development of skills in an environment that emphasizes accepting responsibility for oneself, for others and for society at large.

As a member of the DePaul community, you are expected to adhere to all University policies, including but not limited to the policies in
the Code of Student Responsibility and the Academic Integrity Policy, and policies and procedures set forth by specific departments.

Specifically, by enrolling in a Department of Art, Media, and Design (AMD) art/studio course you agree to adhere to the AMD Safe Use of Art Materials and Student Responsibilities requirements of the course(s) you are enrolled in for all art and related materials, tools, and equipment as per the specific course instruction. Failure to abide by and adhere to any of these responsibilities, procedures, policies, or requirements may result in an adverse impact on your grade in accordance with the syllabus, or in other sanctions through the Student Conduct Process or other university procedures.


DePaul Students with Disability Services: Students seeking disability-related accommodations are required to register with DePaul's Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) enabling you to access accommodations and support services to assist your success. There are two office locations (Autumn 2020 physical operations are subject to change):
Loop Campus - Lewis Center #1420 - (312) 362-8002
Lincoln Park Campus - Student Center #370 - (773) 325-1677
CSD email -
CSD Virtual Office -

á     Please also feel free to contact me privately to discuss how I can assist in facilitating accommodations or simply so we are on the same page. It is best to speak with me early in the term and our conversation will remain confidential to the extent possible. This class focuses on creative solutions of every kind, and I assure you that we will be able to find an appropriate solution for any circumstance.


DePaul Support Services and Mental Health Services: DePaul has a large network of support services including The Dean of Students Office (DOS), which helps students navigate the college experience, particularly during difficulty situations such as personal, financial, medical, and/or family crises. For a list of support services and advocacy information, please visit DOS at

University counselors are also available for support, crisis management, community referrals and consultation. To be contacted by a counselor, leave a message with University Counseling Services at 773-325-7779.

See additional Mental Health resources here:


Expectations for Academic Integrity: All work done for this course must adhere to the University Academic Integrity Policy, which you are required to read in the Student Handbook or online at Academic integrity violations warrant repercussions including failure of the course.


E-mail Policy: I may use e-mail as a way to communicate with you regarding absence/tardy information, concerns for classwork or behavior, your project grades, or other class information. In this case you may not receive in-class follow-up or paper copies of this information. I will use the email account that you have on file with DePaul.




Schedule and Attendance:


Schedule (WQ2021): Please find the full ÒSchedule & AssignmentsÓ linked directly below or follow the link on our D2L site. We will discuss detailed schedules and due-dates for individual assignments when they are assigned and may need to adjust items depending on class progress or outside factors.


Remote Attendance / Participation Policy:
Please read in full.
Studio courses have both intellectual and skill-building components that build throughout an academic term. Many classes have demonstrations and important critiques, which cannot be repeated outside of class. Therefore, class attendance is absolutely essential. For this course, which meets twice a week, a student may miss two classes during the term. For each additional absence a studentÕs grade will be reduced; there is no way to pass this course if you accrue six unexcused absences (methods for excusing absences below). Three tardy arrivals (over 5 minutes late) or early departures before the class is excused will be equal to one unexcused absence and will apply to the absence tally. Significantly late arrivals may count as full or partial absences.
Class meetings are NOT automatically recorded for those who miss class.

Cell phone use** (making or receiving calls, non-course-related internet or app usage, and texting) is not permissible in class. Students using cell phones or computers for content not pertinent to class will be counted as absent or may be asked to leave. Sometimes it is necessary to have access to a phone, so any student who might need to use a phone in class on any given day, should simply let me know before class. Cell phone use for music may be permissible for certain days and times if it is discussed and approved during class. Each student is responsible for any damage to his or her phone that results from an accident or contact with studio materials.
** NOTE: This is a general policy and given the switch to online format, this policy will only be enforced if cell phone usage is disruptive to teaching or classmates.



Zoom / Zoom Video Policy / Recording Policy:





COVID-19 Clause: This continues to be an unknown time and many students are concerned about how grading will occur. By and large your professors want to work with you and for you right now. We know that some challenging and anxiety provoking things may take place in your lives this quarter. My grading will occur within the context of this unprecedented experience. Additionally, DePaul has instituted a Pass/D/Fail grading policy that can be accessed here:


Evaluation: Your grade will consist of 2 project assignments with multiple components, written assignments, support projects, and class participation. Support projects may include readings, writings (papers or other writing), presentations, and studio projects; class participation may include contributions in critique, general participation in studio work, posting regularly in class discussions, and meeting individually with me. Extra credit points may be available for participating in or attending specific arts events that arise during the course of the term and that are approved as extra credit.
SCHEDULE & ASSIGNMENTS for specific information that is linked to each project.


Grade Scale for this class:          100–96=A     95–91=A-      90–86=B+     85–81=B       80–76=B-         75–71=C+     70–66=C       65–61=C-      60–56=D+     55–51=D       50–0=F


Explanation of Grades: The ÒCÓ grade is a mark of satisfactory performance; to earn a "C" grade in this class you must attend class, work during studio time, participate in class discussions and critiques, and complete all assignments adequately. To earn an "A" grade in this class you must attend class, exhibit engaged productivity or experimentation during studio, and offer meaningful contributions during discussions and especially during critiques. You must also exhibit a highly developed understanding of the concepts and the ability to create well-crafted and conceptually strong projects.
General Evaluation Key

How to turn in work: All work is due via D2L in the format requested by the time posted on the schedule. Early submissions and revised submissions are both appropriate. If D2L access is a problem for you, please contact me so we can work out something else. It is not advised to submit your work late, however, all submission folders for assignments will stay open all quarter so it is possible to submit late work during the quarter for reduced points.




Reading, Writing, & Citing Sources:


Reading: Readings will be provided as links on the course schedule or posted on D2L. You will be expected to find and obtain your own research readings related to the specifics of your project.
Information for the Chicago Public Library:
Information for the libraries at DePaul:


Writing: Written assignments must follow the principles of composition, grammar, and spelling. Pages are to be double-spaced, 10 to12-point Times-Roman (or similar) font, with standard margins. Please include your name on every page. Of course the university policy on plagiarism is enforced.
NOTE: DePaulÕs
Writing Center is still available with online appointments.
SEE ALSO: another great resource for university-level writing: The St Martins Handbook by Andrea Lundsford. (
PDF linked here)


Citing Sources: You must cite all words or images you use from any outside source. Failure to do so can be seen as academic misconduct. Citation includes everything from Internet sources and images youÕve altered in Photoshop, to a digital snapshot taken by a friend. Often outside sources will not be allowed in visual assignments, but when permitted, sources must be appropriately credited (often in the assignment). Also, I will need a works cited document with the image appropriately cited and a copy of the original image. Sources do not need to be cited in journal entries or sketchbooks.
Academic Integrity


Links for citing image sources:

This covers everything, MLA style. Image citation information is located half way down the page.
Additional research information
here. (including the Chicago Manual of Style)

MLA style, for citing images.

Research and Documentation information.


Information for citing written sources:

Please use MLA standards.

Helpful information for citing sources:
See both Òciting sources within your paperÓ and Òassembling a list of works cited.Ó

Example of using a works cited and citing sources in the body of the paper (multi-page PDF)

Citation Quick Guide:

Use Owl at Purdue for additional writing help:






Supplies provided for you: Please follow the instructions below ASAP to get a
Supply Kit sent to you from DePaul.

: To receive art supplies from DePaul you must a confirm your mailing address and phone number in Campus Connect, or the current mailing address in Campus Connect may be used as is.


Log in to DePaul University Campus Connect to update your mailing address (if you have not done so already) by following this pathway:

Campus Connect > Student Home Page > Profile > Select ÒAddressesÓ on left vertical bar > Select ÒMailing AddressÓ
If the mailing address that you want your supplies shipped to for this class is listed, no further steps are needed. If you need to update your mailing address, click ÒCurrent >Ó and update and save your address in the pop-up window.


Email your instructor to confirm that your mailing address in Campus Connect is correct; class supplies may be delayed if mailing addresses are not confirmed.

Printmaking Supply Kit items here (PDF).

Required Resources:
Please let me know if you do not have the ability to access some of these items. I am committed to working with you to figure something out.


Required Supplies:

Optional Supplies:
Instructor favorites- apron for mess, vegetable oil for clean up, soft sponge, colored media for mixed media works.

Additional FREE Resources:




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