syllabusART 231Screen Printing

                       ART 331Intermediate Screen Printing



Tentative Schedule:

Dates or order of topics may change to accommodate our class needs.
I will mark all date changes with a red asterisk *.


T       1/7..... Meet in the printmaking studio – Art School room 201
Introduction to the course material
Read the
syllabus and cover supplies in class (hand out printed versions)
* ART 331: Intermediate Screen Printing
syllabus here *
Discuss the one-week
studio service component
Discuss safety (Student Agreement Form and
SDS explanation to follow in subsequent classes)
Begin the first “slide” lecture starting with the history of screen printing in design, advertising, government-sponsored messages, protest, and fine art, and continuing into its current use in contemporary art, design, and protest.
hw 1: start to get materials /
supplies, some will be needed ASAP (next class)
hw 2: fill out the survey handed out in class and return it to me within 2 weeks
hw 3: begin to think about ideas you want to address in class (see
Project 1)
hw 4: begin to familiarize yourself with our
D2L site.
* NOTE: additional items for ART331 denoted by a green asterisk *

W      1/8..... check out: Exhibitions at the DePaul Art Museum DPAM (always free).
check out: Exhibitions at
Museum of Contemporary Art (free w/ DePaul ID).
check out: Exhibitions at the
Art Institute of Chicago (free w/ DePaul ID).
check out: DePaul Idea Realization Lab,
IRL/IRL2 (Loop & LPC) open to students and alumni.
check out: DePaul
Print Lab (Loop) (Daley Building 511; Loop)
check out: Events @ Chicago Artist Coalition,
check out: Consider joining DePaul Artists Collective, DAC.
check out: Consider applying to
They Call Us: Feminist Literary Magazine
check out: DePaul
Theater Productions on & off campus (usually 5$ with your student ID!)
check out: DePaul Calls For Entry - submissions via
DePaul Slideroom
check out: Chicago Printmakers Collaborative Events
check out:
Spudnik Press Events

R      1/9..... Demos: stencil technique (basic), printing technique (basic), cleaning
Stencil technique,
bring 1: Tapes, 2 dimes, X-acto knife, other supplies you have at this time.
* Bring additional materials specific to the technique you choose to practice.*
Project 1: cut stencil prints; introduce Developing Ideas
* Alternate assignment and Developing Ideas for 331.*
Lecture on how contemporary artists use screen printing
Barbara Kruger on making work (
hw 1: get materials/
hw 2: look at your calendar for convenient
studio service times
hw 3: begin to think about ideas you want to address in class, then prepare to present your
Developing Ideas to the class.

T     1/14..... Demos: more stencil processes
Continue stencil technique work in class
Art School
Vinyl Cutter (12 inch) guide
Discuss the one-week
studio service component
Watch the icon at work (
Warhol Clip)
due 1:
supplies – have them with you from this point onward

R    1/16..... Present your Developing Ideas to the class (including visual materials)
Discuss registering multiple layers
Complex stencils and work focusing on
Project 1
due 1: Developing Ideas
hw 1: Project 1


T     1/21..... Discuss safety (Student Agreement Form and SDS explanation)
Demos: stencil techniques (complex stencils, multi-layer, registration, adhering)
Discuss editions, monotypes/monoprints, printing supports
Studio work focusing on
Project 1
bring 1: items needed for working on your project
hw 1 :
Project 1

R    1/23..... Some studio time, but not the majority of the class time
Project 2: emulsion stencil prints (see also: Developing Ideas)
* Alternate
assignment for 331 and Developing Ideas.*
Emulsion application demo (
How to Mix Emulsion)
Begin applying emulsion to your screen(s); finish outside of class as needed
Art/stencil design and layering for
Project 1 & Project 2

T     1/28..... In class studio work day focusing on Project 1 & Project 2
hw 1: assignment prints!

R    1/30..... Critique Project 1: cut stencil prints (critique may be in another room) *
Photograph your work once it is hung to submit on D2L
due 1: Project 1: cut stencil prints.
hw 1:
Project 1 Photos on D2L (see last step)

check out: Consider applying to a “Call For Entry” (CFE) for an art show. The following lists are a good place to start looking for calls: café: call for entry, Chicago Artists Coalition
EXTRA CREDIT: I will give extra credit if you send me documentation of your submission to any exhibition or call for entry (an email confirmation is appropriate or copy me on the submission). Extra credit will not be limited to works from this class. Please let me know how I can help you with this extra credit opportunity

T       2/4..... critique continue as needed
Photograph your work once it is hung to submit on D2L
due 1:
Project 1: cut stencil prints.
hw 1:
Project 1 Photos on D2L (see last step)
hw 2: Apply emulsion to your screen(s) as needed

R      2/6..... DPAM DATE PENDING – once confirmed, MEET at DPAM @11:35pm
Collections visit to look at screen prints
Walk past
IRL2 on the way back to the studio
Present your
Developing Ideas to the class (including visual materials) for Project 2
due 1:
Developing Ideas

T     2/11..... Working with digital images (on an Art School laptop or your own device)
you will want: 1+ screen with emulsion and digital files (if digital stencil)
Digital output demos:
Quick Guide for converting a
photo to halftones (PDF)
ART Guide to
Printing Stencils for Screen Prints *
Process demo: exposure to washout
Studio time using the new techniques
bring 1: your own laptop if you don’t want to use an Art School laptop.

R    2/13..... Photographic technique examples
Reclaiming Screens Demo

F     2/14..... check out: DePaul Calls For Entry - submissions via DePaul Slideroom
(Crook & Folly publication on slideroom)

T     2/18..... Introduce Project 3: painted stencil prints (see also: Developing Ideas)
* Alternate
assignment for 331 and Developing Ideas.*
Demos: screen filler techniques, drawing fluid techniques, reclaiming screens
Drawing Fluid & Screen Filler cheat sheet (PDF)
Screen Filler Reduction Technique (PDF)
Open screen painting/drawing method (screen monotypes) with water-soluble media (like watercolor paints, watercolor pencils, water‑soluble/
washable markers, charcoal, etc.)
check out: Watch demo videos # 11, 12, 13, 14 on D2L
(under CONTENT > Optional: More Course Content > Screen Printing Demos For Cut & Paint Process)
Studio time

R    2/20..... Studio work with the open screen painting/drawing method and other methods
bring 1: water-soluble media (watercolor paints, watercolor pencils, water‑soluble/
washable markers, charcoal, etc.)
bring 2: paintbrushes (a small brush for detail, a larger brush for filling areas)

T     2/25..... Critique Project 2: emulsion stencil prints (critique may be in another room)
Project 2: painted stencil prints

R    2/27..... critique continue as needed
Further discussion of
Project 3 as needed

T       3/4..... Cleaning demo: Emulsion Removal cheat sheet (PDF)
Studio time to work on assignments.
due 1:
Project 2 Photos on D2L (see last step)
hw 1: Please fill out your faculty evaluation for this course!

R      3/6..... Assignment progress discussion and in-progress presentation of your Project 3 work so far
hw 1: Please fill out your faculty evaluation for this course!

T     3/11..... In class studio day focusing on Project 3
Fill out image release form (optional)
hw 1: Please fill out your faculty evaluation for this course!

R    3/13..... CRITIQUE
Screen Cleaning Sign Up. Screens must be cleaned by the designated time (all screen filler, emulsion, and name tags removed)
due 1: Project 3 (critique may be in another room or in the hallway)
due 2: Please fill out your faculty evaluation for this course!
due 3:
Project 3 Photos on D2L (see last step)
due 4: ALL items for class (including ALL late work & extra credit).


T     3/18..... MEETING for ARTWORK PICKUP (& final clean up & optional swap)
3:00 – 4:30pm (during our
exam time frame). swap starts at 3:30pm.
I will have your work in our classroom (room 201) unless otherwise noted.
Everything must be cleaned & organized by today!
* Email me by the Friday before finals week if you cannot make this time. Otherwise items left after pickup may be moved or thrown out!
* ALL items left in studios/labs WILL be thrown out 1 week after exam!

check out: opportunities for art submissions via DePaul Slideroom:

Good luck on all your finals!







Drawing Fluid & Screen Filler cheat sheet (PDF)
Screen Filler Reduction Technique (PDF)
How to Mix Emulsion (PDF)
Emulsion Removal cheat sheet (PDF)
Print room
Washout Booth Instructions (PDF)

Classroom screen sizes
Information for
preparing/converting files in Illustrator and Photoshop
Information for
exporting files for films/printing on transparency
thermo-set T-shirt designs
troubleshooting exposure issues

Buying screen printing materials/equipment: Anthem, Blick, Graphic Chemical & Ink, Nazdar, (sells Rayonet). There are larger industrial suppliers too. Dharma Trading has materials specifically for fabric.


Screen printing & printmaking in Chicago: Chicago Printmakers Collaborative, Spudnik Press, workshops are also available at Barrel Maker (products), Chicago Art Department, All Star Press/Fugscreens Studio, Hoofprint, Hyde Park Art Center, Lillstreet Art Center, Screwball Press, and others.

Other interesting groups: API Flatstock Chicago, Hatch Show Print, International Print Center New York.


Chicago Artist Coalition,

Exhibition call for entry site, café
Exhibition call for entry site, Art Deadlines List

Chicago Gallery News, CGN & Gallery Guide (digital issuu)

Arts Affiliated Associations, long list here

College Art Association, CAA (see “opportunities”)

Professional association for design, AIGA (see “resources”)



Check DePaul Slideroom for current DePaul arts opportunities
Connect with DePaul Art School on
DePaul Artists Collective student group, DAC (instagram @depaulartistscollective)

DePaul Crook & Folly publication submissions via DePaul Slideroom

DePaul Creating Knowledge publication submissions via DePaul Slideroom
DePaul Student Art on Campus (residence hall purchase) submissions via
DePaul Slideroom - Open to ART majors and minors only.

DePaul SURG grant, submissions due early Spring Quarter

DePaul Coleman Entrepreneurship Center
Financial Fitness Counseling & Services

DePaul Idea Realization Lab, IRL/IRL2 (remotely / loop & LPC) for students and alumni
Print Lab (Loop) (Daley Building 511; Loop)

DePaul Art Museum: DPAM Events Calendar



Digital Stencils

Art School Guide to Printing Stencils for Screen Prints *
Quick Guide for converting a
photo to halftones (PDF)

Art School guide to classroom print settings (via photoshop)
Art School Printing Quick Guide

Art School guide to
scanning with Epson Scan 2

Art School Large Format Scanner Guide
Guide to
scanning on a variety of scanners


Art School Wacom DRAFT

Art School Vinyl Cutter (12 inch)
Art School Cyanotype Guide
Art School Guide to Printing Stencils for Screen Prints

LinkedIn Learning (formerly tutorials
Adobe TV software

DePaul’s Academic Software Center (hub)
DePaul Desire 2 Learn (D2L)
Temporary FREE at-home Adobe Creative Cloud: follow these
instructions to register